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Exclusive: Numerous TNA Wrestlers Concerned Company is About to Hold its Final Impact Wrestling TV T

tnaWZ has learned from TNA sources and wrestlers that many talents, some veterans, are fearing the company is approaching its final television taping dates.

It was previously reported TNA would be filming from July 22-29 in Orlando for television. An email from TNA officials sent to talents reveals two weeks worth of television will be filmed on many of the July dates.

This, along with the upcoming content filmed this week heading into Slammiversary, would generate enough first-run content to take TNA Impact Wrestling into September. This is the same month Destination America can activate a contract clause ceasing their agreement with TNA Wrestling. Ever since signing Ring of Honor was added to Destination America, the subject of the network dropping TNA has become a hot topic scenario from people both in and out of the company.

On top of the unusual amount of filming being done at the end of July, comes the problems with payment, communication and treatment.

Previously, talents were once again not paid when expected. This past Friday, an internal email was sent out promising late payments would be sent via FedEx overnight. This did happen, but is not the first time the roster has dealt with this.

The mass quantity of July dates have talents worried they won’t get paid for at least a month following the tapings, which is considered unacceptable considering the company has far fewer expenses now that they aren’t touring much anymore. The add-on of a week of dates also forced many talents to cancel previously scheduled independent bookings in which they would be paid in advance or on the night of. 

As far as communication goes, emails sent to talents remain optimistic and claim the upcoming television dates are for domestic and international television. However, per our sources, many fear the writing is on the wall in regards to how much life is left in the TNA brand. It’s believed if the brand does get booted from Destination America, that they are damaged goods having left two networks in less than year, and don’t hold much hope for being picked up for a new television distribution deal. 

We’re continuing to get more information on this story from sources, so expect more details and insight on a special Thursday evening video segment of Chair Shot Reality and on social media.

